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2014 March "Look for the woman"

  • On 18/11/2021
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2014 MarchJaguar MK2

Jaguar MK2 in "Look for the woman" Drawn on computer.

We rolled what seemed to me an eternity, maybe it was due to the stowaway's uncomfortable position which I occupied behind the car. Finally the automobile entered a vast garage and stopped. The man arrested the engine and switched off lighthouses, the silence and the darkness wrapped us. A few minutes passed, the man did not move and seemed to wait for something or for somebody... I heard suddenly as a contact against the body of the car, and the man sketched a gesture to go out of the automobile by asking " it's you. " A blinding light and two dry explosions answered him. There were sounds of footsteps which quickly decreased while something soft collapsed on the front seat. A rectangle of raw light stood out on the dark wall of the garage and the shape of a woman appeared furtively in the embrasure. Attractive shape, but attractive gun still smoking in the left hand...

The inquiries of Ed Chandleur 13-' Look for the woman '


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