2019 June - "Killer Poker'"

  • On 18/11/2021
  • In Menu


Chevrolet Camaro RS in "Killer poker" Drawn on computer.

I entered the old garage, a place he used to park his car, but sometimes for poker games until the first light of dawn.
It was falling well, his car was there, it partially masked the poker table bathed in a harsh light. I bypassed the car and saw it ...
The « rouquemoute » was slumped on the table, seeming to sleep in the middle of a mess of chips, cards, glasses, a flask spilled in a puddle of whiskey, and an automatic resting quietly near his hands. I was going to shake him to wake him,
when I saw the red liquid coming out of his skull and spreading slowly over the green carpet of the table.
Obviously « Rouquemoute » had just « fold »
definitively ...

The inquiries of Ed Chandleur 33 - 'Killer Poker'


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